Ellen DeGeneres says show’s final season will be a ‘happy place’

Ellen DeGeneres has a lot of footing to cover in the 19th and final season of her talk bear witness, which she promises volition be a "huge celebration".

She intends to salute longtime viewers, stroll down memory lane to revisit early appearances by fledgling stars such as Rihanna and Justin Bieber, and celebrate the show'due south achievements.

"This is going to be a 'cheers' to everybody, because the show doesn't happen without the support of fans," DeGeneres said during a production intermission on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, which returns Mon.

Also to be spotlighted: The show's philanthropy, which included far more than product giveaways.

"We're going to check in with people that we've helped through the years (and) people that have paid it forward," DeGeneres said. That includes a Las Vegas educator who opened her own wallet for students in need and whose school was rewarded past the bear witness with a new library and other resources.

"I want people just to really remember what the show has been," the host said. "It'south been a happy place and information technology continues to be a happy place. And I hate that it would be remembered in any other manner."


That DeGeneres voices such a business organization over the legacy of her greatest career success to appointment should be surprising for the host-comedian whose motto is "exist kind". But information technology's inevitable given allegations last year that the bear witness was a toxic workplace.

Ellen DeGeneres (left), pictured with her wife Portia de Rossi, had to deal with allegations that the piece of work civilisation on the set of her talk bear witness was toxic. (Photograph: Christopher Polk / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)

Three of its producers exited amid claims of an environment that harboured misbehaviour, including sexual misconduct and racially insensitive remarks.

DeGeneres, who made an on-air amends for "things that shouldn't have happened" also dedicated herself equally being the same genuine person – if an imperfect one – on- and off-photographic camera.

In a recent phone interview, she said she was reluctant to address the situation further, and that it had been dealt with by the Warner Bros. studio.

DeGeneres faced blowback before. In 1997, vi years before the talk evidence's 2003 launch, she and the graphic symbol she played on her sitcom, Ellen had come out as gay. Among falling ratings and criticism, it was cancelled by ABC in 1998.

The projection that revived her career was considered an uncertain bet, said syndication-marketplace annotator Nib Carroll.

"There are two things she had to deal with," he said. I was Oprah Winfrey'due south status every bit the queen of daytime talk, the other was a painful truth: Compared to today, more than Americans in that period were unaccepting of or hostile toward LGBTQ individuals, on the air or off.

"But she won over the audition and she won over the industry," Carroll said.

He credits her relatable one-act and a well-produced format that included putting DeGeneres among her studio guests – oft dancing aslope them – for helping viewers to embrace her as "just this fun person".

DeGeneres has spoken freely and publicly virtually her life, including her spousal relationship to actor Portia de Rossi. Honours have come her way, including multiple Emmys and the Kennedy Centre's Mark Twain Prize for American Humour in 2015.

She credits her work ethic and remaining truthful to "exactly who I am" with helping her overcome the backlash that followed her determination to come out. DeGeneres leaned on those pillars again when she and the show came under burn down last yr.

"If you simply stay the course, and if you lot know who y'all are, then things are going to plow out, things are going to exist okay," she said. "I can't actually control what other people think or what other people say. And what I really tin can't control is things that aren't vetted and that are just said and thrown around. And that hurt.

"Simply I don't think I'd be where I am today. I don't think I'd be as successful every bit I am if those things were true," she said.

She had celebrity defenders when the allegations emerged last twelvemonth, including Katy Perry and Kevin Hart, and some observers labelled the criticism of DeGeneres as sexist.


Viewership for The Ellen DeGeneres Testify dropped essentially in the 2020-2021 season compared to the previous one, from two.6 million to 1.5 million viewers, co-ordinate to Nielsen.

That's common for an ageing evidence, Carroll said, and as well reflects irresolute goggle box and, to some extent, the workplace issues.

Her final episodes, probable to exist loaded with stars and not-celebrities who became familiar to viewers, should permit the show to stop on a higher ratings annotation.

The decision to end just shy of 20 years was hers, DeGeneres said, although the studio urged her to keep going, and others nitpicked her willingness to conclude on an uneven tally.

"I think xix is a nifty number. One is the outset and nine is the ending," she said, employing the sort of whimsical line she tosses off easily.


And what's after that for DeGeneres? Her plate is already total, with product deals that include NBC's Family unit Game Fight!"and HBO Max's Ellen's Next Smashing Designer.

"I simply desire to fall downwardly and exhale for a little while, without having something to do every single twenty-four hour period," DeGeneres said. But she's already mulling a return to her comedy and acting roots and sought a consult with Winfrey on the talk-show afterlife.

"I talked to Oprah, for sure. She gets it more than anybody on what this is like to do every single day. And her communication to me is to not make any decisions at all for a picayune while, just accept a intermission and really retrieve about the adjacent move."


Source: https://cnalifestyle.channelnewsasia.com/women/ellen-degeneres-show-final-season-279191

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