How Long Will It Take Some Beer Stuck in the Freezer to Be Cold Again

There's nothing quite equally prissy as enjoying a cold drink on a hot summer day.

That also means there's zippo quite equally disappointing as realizing you don't take anything iced downward. Maybe you drank your final beer, or y'all just picked up a case of warm sodas at the store. No matter the reason, that sense of panic that hits when you realize you don't take a cold one is no fun.

And while there are tons of inventions that can assist you lot become a can or bottle ice cold within but a infinitesimal or two, most people have one way surefire manner to get things common cold — the refrigerator or the freezer.

Of course, we all know that information technology will take some time to absurd down a drink from room temperature to ice cold. Only exactly how long does information technology take? And how much faster is it to absurd your beer or other potable in the freezer compared to the fridge?

To become the answer, we recently bought ii cases of beer and measured exactly how long it took to chill them down.

12 pack of beer in the refrigerator

The Exam: Room Temperature to Ice Cold

For our test, we devised a simple plan. We purchased 2 cases of beer, both at room temperature. From there, we put ane dozen cans in the fridge and another dozen cans in the freezer to meet how long it took to get them common cold and compare the results.

After putting the cans inside, we set up a timer for 1 hr. At the end of each hour, we took out a can, opened it and measured the temperature.

The initial starting point was room temperature beer — 72.0 degrees. The refrigerator was set to forty degrees and the freezer was prepare to 0 degrees. Our test took place during an average day in the household, meaning there was an occasional opening and closing of the fridge and freezer, as you might notice in any home.

Beer at room temperature
Our test started at a room temperature 72 degrees.

How Long Information technology Takes to Cool a Drink in the Refrigerator

While we tested the fridge and freezer at the same fourth dimension, allow'southward start with the results of cooling a can in the fridge.

As mentioned higher up, nosotros started with a dozen cans at room temperature — measured at 72.0 degrees. Placing the cans in the peak of the refrigerator, we then pulled them out at one-60 minutes intervals to test their temperature.

You lot tin see the full results in the graph below:

Graph of cooling time for a beer in fridge

As you can see, our test was able to chill the cans of beer downwardly to about 45 degrees earlier bottoming out. The cans reached that temperature nine hours after we started, and then held there for the residuum of the test.

In other words, it takes nine hours in a 40-caste refrigerator to cool a can of beer.

Want to chill a beer in lx seconds? Check out our review of the drink chiller that spins your beer cold in less than a minute .

Beyond that, there was some interesting data from our test. First, the biggest drop in temperature occurs in the first few hours in the fridge. Here, our beverage cooled from 72 degrees at the start to 53 degrees at the three-hour mark — nearly xx degrees. And so it simply takes a few hours to start to get your drinkable chilled.

The refrigerator got the temperature down to 45 degrees before leveling out.

Later those initial hours, the temperature continued to drift down much more slowly. From hour three until the cease of the test, the temperature dropped only eight more degrees.

The bottom line, if y'all have some fourth dimension, information technology takes about nine hours to get your beer or other canned potable cold in the refrigerator. Put it in during the forenoon and yous can be enjoying something cold by the afternoon.

But what if you want to get your potable colder, faster? The obvious solution is to put it in the freezer. Nosotros tested that every bit well…

How Long It Takes to Absurd a Drink in a Freezer

We did the same test equally the fridge, only instead, put 12 beers into the freezer. Compared to the fridge, the results were stunning. In fact, we had to cut the test short as the beer apace became likewise cold, likewise fast — turning into slush instead of liquid.

As before, we started with 72-degree beer placed into the freezer set at 0 degrees. We so checked it every hr.

You tin see the results below:

Graph of cooling of beer in freezer

That's correct, starting with a room temperature beer, it quickly cooled to 36 degrees just ane 60 minutes. In other words, the freezer got the beer colder in one hour than the refrigerator did in the entire test.

After two hours, nosotros checked again and the beer had cooled below 21 degrees. In fact, the can we opened to check the temperature had slushed ice inside of it. With that, we actually decided to stop the test instead of continuing to open up frozen beer.

Within two hours in the freezer, the temperature dropped to 21 degrees.

Bottom line: If yous desire to absurd your beer in the freezer, information technology volition only accept about an hr to get it frosty and two hours to commencement freezing.


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