What Happened to Hilary on Young and Restless

Guiding Light's Nick McHenry. All My Children's Kelly Cole. Bold and the Beautiful's Karen Spencer. The list of soap twins, who make the scene after their identical sibling has died, is adequately long. Young and the Restless is adding another proper name to that roster at present that Amanda Sinclair (Mishael Morgan) has received Dna results revealing that she's the twin sister of the belatedly Hilary Curtis Hamilton.

Viewers pretty much suspected as such in one case Amanda, an attorney who came to Genoa concluding year to question the validity of Katherine Chancellor'due south (the late Jeanne Cooper) will, revealed that she had grown up in the foster care system. How will this news affect Amanda's relationships? Should Elena (Brytni Sarpy) fear that Devon (Bryton James), Hilary's widower, will fall for his newly discovered sister-in-law?

Morgan chatted with Telly Insider to give insights on this plot twist. Read on for the scoop!

What's Amanda'south mindset now that she knows she has a sis whom she can never meet?

Mishael Morgan: Information technology'south pretty strange and crazy. Being the person who played Hilary and plays Amanda, I experience Amanda's loss even though I'grand the one who played Hilary. At that place's a feeling of loss and that Amanda can't go whatever closure. Hilary'southward gone. Amanda is stuck in this identify of 'Oh, I had a sis, only I don't have a sister.'

Turing to Devon, Hilary's widower, would be logical for Amanda if she's looking to learn well-nigh her sister.

I think so. Amanda non just doesn't accept a sister, just she can't runway down whatever information nearly her [birth] father and her mother is gone, too. Her only tie to Hilary is Devon. I don't know how it's going to go given how painful it was for him to lose Hilary.

Hilary'due south loss was tragic. What were your thoughts when you learned Hilary was going to dice?

It was flattering, in a way. If they had recast the role, it would have meant that she had left such a mark in Genoa Urban center, that they didn't want to lose her. If they killed her off, it spoke to how they may have felt that nobody else could have played the part. I was open up to any they were considering doing. The door was closing for Hilary, only I was going through a lot of changes. At the time, I'd been with Y&R for v years. I definitely didn't retrieve I'd exist back. There were other people leaving the show [that year] only we went farther with Hilary dying.


Devon Hamilton(Bryton James) and Hilary Curtis (Mishael Morgan) on The Young and the Restless (Johnny Vy/CBS)

Viewers had hoped your return to the testify as Hilary'due south ghost meant a door was open for a longer render. And then, you came back as Amanda. Did doing one pb to the other happening?

Those are two are completely different situations. When I came back every bit a ghost, there was no conversation about extending that. Later on, Tony [Morina, executive producer] said he wanted to have [me] back. He valued me as an employee and talent on the show. He articulated that to me. There were a few different reasons I left. I'd been playing Hilary for five years. Y&R gave me an opportunity to play somebody different.

What kept you busy during the year you lot were off?

One affair was having a babe! (Morgan gave nascence to daughter, Naliyah, in 2018). I really enjoyed nesting during my fourth dimension away. I enjoying spending more time with my son [Niam, five,] and bonding with my daughter. My agent was pushing me to go back into pilot season. I did a few auditions and had gone back to Toronto for a few months. I had quality time with my dad. I did a Lifetime picture show.

When did you sense that fans were behind Hilary and Devon vs. Hilary's pairing with Neil (the belatedly, great Kristoff St. John)?

Right away. I had watched the show for and then long I knew that their putting me with Neil and then quickly and withal playing Hilary's connection with Devon meant that this would exist a long play towards Devon. Both Bryton and I felt that. Writers like to keep things close to their chest, just nosotros figured information technology out and nosotros said, 'Let's brand this journey fun. Let'southward make this epic, a really fun, love story.' I'one thousand glad it had the response that it did. Even though my grapheme is gone, fans are all the same rooting for them.

The stage is fix for an Elena/Devon/Amanda triangle. Do you know where things are going side by side?

I have no thought… but I actually like that. Sometimes information technology'south nice to know where the story's going and so you lot can get to work. Other times, it'due south all-time to trust and enjoy the journey. Amanda'south surrounded by friends. She's connected to Devon, who knew her sis, and he can but look at her and be reminded of Hilary. Nate (Sean Dominic) has embraced Amanda and looked beyond what other people saw regarding her resemblance to Hilary. He's the dream guy for her. He checks all the boxes.

Amanda also has this dynamic with Billy (Jason Thompson). He's fun and he pushes her outside of her condolement zone. I want to be open and honest in [all] these scenes and see what's going to happen next.

In a way, this is just the commencement.

Yep. Information technology is.

Practice ever have to remind yourself that Amanda doesn't know certain things that you, having played Hilary, practise?

Yes. That'southward something I'chiliad hyper-aware of. I want to make these characters be dissimilar from one another. The first thing I do when I get a script is look at who is in the scene [with me]. What was Hilary's relationship like with this person? So, I make a choice as to what Amanda's human relationship will be with them. It helps to be mindful and adds to the performances as I'm creating this new character.

Young and the Restless, Weekdays, CBS


Source: https://www.tvinsider.com/949188/young-and-the-restless-amanda-hilary-twins-mishael-morgan/

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